Who we are

Our website address is: https://stingdrink.com.

Customers are advised to read and understand our Privacy Policy carefully, as by accessing the website/app you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy and consent to the collection, storage and use of information relating to you as provided herein.

If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy, including in relation to the manner of collection or use of your information, please refrain from using or accessing the website.

Our Privacy Policy is incorporated into the Terms and Conditions of Use of the website and is subject to change from time to time without notice. It is strongly recommended that you periodically review our Privacy Policy as posted on the Web.

Should you have any clarifications regarding this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.

PLEASE NOTE: The Organisation will not ask its customers to share any sensitive data or information via email or telephone. If customers receive any such request by email or telephone, they should not respond or share any sensitive data or information and forward the information relating to the same.