You are currently viewing hot or not? Here’s whether dating app users swipe right — or left

hot or not? Here’s whether dating app users swipe right — or left

 Dating app

Are you still searching on dating apps? Try not to mention that you’re vegetarian.

A study published in the Social Psychological Bulletin found that listing your vegetarianism in your dating profile hurts people’s chances of finding a partner.

A team of researchers at the University of Warsaw called on 404 heterosexual meat-eaters, aged 18 to 82, to rate dating profiles of a potential partner who was described as following a vegetarian diet for health, ethical or environmental reasons, and a control condition that had no dietary description.


A study published in the Social Psychological Bulletin found that listing your vegetarianism in your dating profile hurts people’s chances of finding a partner.rh2010 –

Overall, dating profiles of vegetarians were rated less favorably than profiles with no mention of dietary restrictions — sorry, veggie lovers.

Why people don’t eat meat also impacts their chances of getting a match, according to the research.

Vegetarians motivated by health reasons were rated less favorably than those doing so for ethical or environmental concerns. This is likely because their restrictive diet is considered a self-centered choice compared to an altruistic one potentially giving an insight into their values.

Vegetarianism also influenced people’s perceptions of masculinity and femininity.

Men who opted for a veggie burger were viewed as less masculine, while women who didn’t eat meat were seen as less feminine compared to their meat-eating counterparts.

Dating profiles of vegetarians were rated less favorably than profiles with no mention of dietary restriction. Tada Images –

The researchers believe meat-eaters distaste for vegetarians could be because their diet is seen as a deviation from conventional norms in certain cultures — especially for men — which could point to a difference in their deeper values and practices.

However, it isn’t only meat-eaters who judge those with differing diets.

A study conducted by Veggly, a popular global vegan and vegetarian dating app, found that four in 10 vegetarians (39%) wouldn’t consider a relationship with a meat-eater anyway.

Vegetarians motivated by health reasons were rated less favorably than those doing so for ethical or environmental concerns. Seksan –

Experts explained that this could be due to the “similarity effect,” which claims that people are more attracted to those with similar values and lifestyles.

Limiting your dating pool to only fellow vegetarians or meat-eaters may seem as restrictive as the diets, but experts also agree that it could be beneficial.

Judith Gottesman — a matchmaker, dating coach and author — encourages singles to join dating apps with more focus. She previously told The Post that she always advises people “to look for similar lifestyles, values, goals and interests” when searching for a match.

“They really matter most in being compatible,” Gottesman said of creating a more fruitful experience.

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